Connecting Cedar Riverside and Seward

Although the Cedar Riverside neighborhood and the Seward neighborhood are next door neighbors, connections are made difficult by the divide—both physical and perceived—created by I-94. 

An Innovative Solution

Augsburg University partnered with Seward Redesign, a nonprofit community development organization, to advance a plan to replace the current tired and relatively inaccessible pedestrian bridge over I-94 that was damaged in summer 2019. The proposed new pedestrian/bike bridge will be safer and more inviting for users, as well as striking and iconic in its design. Augsburg University and Seward Redesign anticipate that a new pedestrian/bike bridge will benefit those living and working on either side of the bridge.  

The proposed bridge, positioned in a more visible and usable location, will improve the connection between the Seward and Cedar Riverside neighborhoods, thereby promoting the use of public spaces, stimulating the exchange of business and services, and enhancing access to jobs.  

A design concept for a new bridge, informed by a design charrette held with community stakeholders, was completed. 

Local Neighborhood Involvement

The Seward Neighborhood Group.,Seward Civic and Commerce Association, West Bank Community Coalition, West Bank Business Association, and the Cedar Riverside Partnership supported bridge designs for the project.  The proponents of this new and improved pedestrian/bike bridge hope to “create a model for how neighborhoods that have been divided by freeway construction can reestablish physical connections over the freeway to build community, stimulate economic development, and improve pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists.”

The project continues to work through capital planning and engagement.